Giving Back 2012/2013 Philippines

educate - encourage - empower

Nature’s Creations strives to make a difference in the lives of children.  Past efforts include a project in Burkina Faso, Africa that provided a clean drinking water well and a school for orphans and children at risk, and micro-enterprise businesses.  This project is now independent & sustainable. Meaning they now grow their own food, have safe drinking water, have a small banana plantation for profit, are becoming educated and can financially sustain themselves.

The new charitable project; Kids of Hope was born because Inneke, a friend of Nature’s Creations founder Suzanne Laurin-Seale told her how she spent 7 years as a mid-wife in the slums of Davao, Philippines with her husband and 2 children.  The stories inspired, touched and moved Suzanne into action.   She told Suzanne about the education centre where children of slum communities get a hot meal once a day, tutoring, and guidance. But the funding for the meal program was pulled.  So Suzanne decided to finance this much needed program.  She has committed to feeding 100 children a hot meal, every day, for a year while more sustainable programs are implemented.

As such, she dedicated 100% of profits from her 2012 Christmas gift sales to finance it. 

Yes 100%.

She will be handing a check for $30,000 to Patrick Elaschuk, executive director at Hope for the Nations in February while visiting the Children's Centre in the slum of Agdao, Davao Philipinnes. 

Knowing that it takes more than a hot meal to break the bondage of poverty Suzanne and husband John Seale (a 25 year camera member of IATSE local 669 and independent film maker) will also be fundraising for another $69,000 to once again build a school to free 1000’s of children from poverty through education.  That’s not all. They also plan to develop an organic farm which will provide food and a micro enterprise business that would ultimately financially support the centre.

The goal is to implement a similar model successfully proven in Africa, one that leads to sustainability, independence and hope.

And if you would like to help we would be happy to accept your donation.  Of course all donations receive a tax receipt.