The amazing botanical power of rose can only be understood when you know that it takes thousands of pounds of rose petals to make one pound of the essential oil. The energetic force measures at over 300 hertz.
These brushes may be used wet or dry. They are made from sisal. Sisal fibres are firm yet flexible enough to brush away dry flakes and patches without being too harsh on the skin. When using in shower be sure to shake out water when done and hang to dry. This will ensure your brush dries out between uses and increases the life-use of the brush.
Some people find dry brushing invigorating so its best to make this part of your morning routine just before your shower. Plan for 3 to 5 minutes of self care time.
Pressure should be medium. You want to feel it but without irritating the skin. Long strokes are optimum to push up lymph fluid, use a delicate and rhythmic touch. Each stroke and pass of the skin should be done more than once and overlap areas. Think of it like raking leaves; but your raking away dead skin. On smaller areas switch to short, quick stroking.
Start at the feet and move upward.
The point of dry brushing is to encourage lymphatic flow. You always want to follow the circulatory system. Start with the top of the feet, then target the lower leg, the knee, and the thigh. When you work on the back of the thigh, treat the butt as an extension of your thigh and continue upward onto your back. On the stomach, work in a circular motion.
On the upper body, start with the hands and go across toward the heart. Do a similar routine as you did with the legs: Brush the back of your hands, work around the forearm, and then around the upper arm. Moving under the upper arms, brush that area a little longer as that's where many lymph nodes.
Finally the neck and décolletage.
Be extra gentle, as this is delicate skin. As you are above heart level, you now brush in a downwards motion. Start at the jawline and move down toward your chest. Finish by going over your heart in a circular motion to end your routine.
Take a shower to rinse away all of the dead skin. Your skin is thoroughly exfoliated, so need for any loofah action or exfoliants.
Hydrate your skin with a detoxifying oil or body lotion. Try the Anti-Cellulite Oil or try making your own. Remember as smoothing on an oil or cream will seal in water from your shower. Always moisturize with damp skin!
You are sure to see and feel the difference in your skin and general well being when you start this simple detoxifying habit.
Formulated with some of the most anti-aging ingredients known in the botanical beauty industry. We have fortified this balm with the highest quality organic ingredients to address aging around the sensitive eye area. Here are just a few of the incredible actions; reduces DNA damage in cells, promotes regeneration of new cells, promotes collagen production, repairs collagen fibers, prevents the advancement of wrinkles. For more info click on ingredients.
“The Tree of Life” oil -Baobab oil contains approx. 80% β – sitosterol a strong anti-oxidant that reduces DNA damage in cells, quickly absorbs, high Omega 3, 6,&9 anti-inflammatory, slows aging process, Vit. A, D3, E, & F renews cell membranes, High vitamin C promotes collagen production
Prickly Pear tightens pores resulting in refined skin texture, prevents premature aging, highest tocopherol content than any other beauty ingredient, tocopherols are molecules with strong antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties thus preserving, protecting and regenerating skin. (Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2011; 113: 403-408)
Neroli essential oil rich in Vit C promotes collagen production, repairs and brightens skin, cytophylactic properties promotes the generation of new cells and also boosts the health of existing cells
Roman Chamomile amazing anti-inflammatory, deeply hydrating due to its azulene content, calms skin, soothes irritation
Carrot seed essential oil high in Vit A, antioxidant
Cypress assists healthy fluid balance minimizing bags, increases vascular resistance minimizing dark circles
Sandalwood repairs collagen fibers & retains elasticity
Lavender healing, supports skin health, slows aging process
Calendula infusion in almond oil soothing anti Inflammatory
Rosehipseed oil regenerates skin, prevents the advancement of wrinkles and aging
Patchouli Essential oil stimulates the contraction skin, cicastrisant (cell regenerating)
All carried into the skin via a 100% natural moisturizer of Water, coconut & manioc plants condensed in their own natural alcohols, extracted without the use of solvents, avacodo oil, Vit E, Vit B complex factor, lonicera japonica.
Got Dry Skin?Try this incredible NON-Drying, super gentle foaming soap made with awesome organic ingredients. 300 foaming pumps per bottle. Use on hands & body.
Chamomile contains a naturally occurring substance called azulene that is considered to be one of the most moisturizing components known to man, and studies are proving its anti-anxiety benefits!
Got dry Hands?For those who can't tolerate alcohol but want an easy to use hand spray. Its fresh lemony clean smell backed by organic tea tree is sure to please.
We are a brand born of a love of nature. Trees, flowers, herbs & weeds are all God given gifts that possess botanical benefits that we are always so excited to formulate into our products.