Very sensitive Rosacea-Type skin is a skin disorder that most often affects the forehead, nose, cheekbones, and chin. Groups of capillaries close to the surface of the skin become dilated, resulting in blotchy red areas with small bumps and sometimes pimples. The redness can come and go but eventually may become permanent. The skin tissue can swell and thicken, and be tender and sensitive to the touch. The inflammation can look like acne but it tends to be more chronic. Blackheads and whiteheads are almost never present, and it usually begins at middle age or later. It is a fairly common disorder about one in every twenty people is afflicted with it but many never realize they have it. It usually begins with frequent flushing of the face, particularly the nose and cheeks. The flushing is caused by the swelling of the blood vessels under the skin. This “red mask” can serve as a flag for attention. It can also cause a persistent burning and feeling of grittiness in the eyes or inflamed and swollen eyelids. In severe cases, vision can be impaired. The underlying cause or causes are not understood, but certain factors are known to aggravate the condition, including the consumption of alcohol, hot liquids, and/or spicy foods; exposure to sunlight, extremes of temperature, and the use of makeup and skincare products containing alcohol. Stress, vitamin deficiencies and infection can be contributing factors. The things that aggravate one person may have no effect on another person. Most common in Caucasian women between the ages of thirty and fifty. When it does occur in men it tends to be more severe and is usually accompanied by rhinophyma (a nose that becomes chronically red and enlarged). Fair-skinned individuals seem to be more susceptible to this condition than darker-skinned people. People who flush easily seem to be more prone than others to develop it. It is commonly accepted that the skin is a reflection of the internal wellness of the human body and therefore we recommend you seek out an alternative health care practitioner that you can work with. Diet and supplementation play a very big role in the restoration of this type of skin.